Multimorbidity—the presence of multiple health conditions—is on the rise across all generations.
In fact, there are hundreds of millions of Americans suffering from this at younger ages than ever before.
And in my view, that paints a grim picture for the future.
Especially when you consider how new research found that having just two chronic conditions in midlife was tied to a higher risk of THIS dreaded diagnosis…
More than double the risk
This new analysis pulled data from the Whitehall II study. Researchers looked at over 10,000 British civil servants between the ages of 35 and 55 (from 1985 to 1988) without dementia.
In this study, multimorbidity was defined as having at least two chronic conditions out of a list of 13.
These conditions included cancer, chronic kidney disease, chronic lung disease, coronary heart disease, depression and other mental disorders, diabetes, hypertension, and rheumatoid arthritis.
(We were a healthier population when this data was collected. Even so, the prevalence of multimorbidity was nearly 7 percent at age 33 and nearly 32 percent at age 70.)
Researchers found a strong association between having at least two chronic conditions in midlife (age 55) and dementia. In fact, it was tied to a 2.4 times higher dementia risk compared to having one or zero chronic conditions. That’s more than double the risk!
Not to mention, those with three or more chronic conditions at midlife had a nearly five-fold increase in dementia risk, compared to having one or zero conditions at the same age.
And when multimorbidity onset occurred in later life, at age 70, dementia risk was still 1.7-fold higher.
It’s never too late to take control
One of the many things this ongoing pandemic has taught us is to be aware of your underlying health conditions—as they may lead to an increased COVID risk and severity.
And now, research also shows a clear path between early disease onset and dementia risk down the road. In other words, brain health appears to be a lifelong process.
As I’m always telling you, your lifestyle choices matter the most when it comes to disease prevention. And it’s never too late to start implementing smart changes… at any age.
That’s why I pulled together an entire protocol of life-changing information, outlining an all-natural plan to protect and restore memory, strengthen focus, and fight dementia.
In my Alzheimer’s Prevention and Treatment Plan, you’ll learn how nutrition and lifestyle habits play a crucial role in brain health. Plus, you’ll gain access to three “better brain” bonus lessons to help support your brain, starting TODAY.
Click here to learn more about this exciting, online learning tool—or to enroll today!
“Midlife Conditions Linked With Later Dementia.” MedPage Today, 02/02/2022. (