Welcome to Reality Health Check!

Welcome! Thanks for confirming your email… and for subscribing to my Reality Health Check e-letter.

Going forward, you can expect daily news, insights, and tips that have the potential to completely transform your health—whether it’s a closer look at misleading mainstream health headlines…breakthrough study results…or a simple, easy-to-find natural ingredient that can help ease a nagging symptom, safely and effectively (without the side effects that come with so many pharmaceutical medications!).

Quite often, I’ll be sharing things you simply won’t hear anywhere else. But I believe you deserve to know about all of your options. Not just the standard, often outdated—and sometimes just plain WRONG—recommendations you get from mainstream medicine.

After all, following bad advice that doesn’t work simply doesn’t make sense.

Which is why I’ve devoted my career to delivering the simplest—yet most effective—solutions to making optimal health a very real and easy goal.

There’s SO much to tell you

One day I might share five, simple, science-backed ways to add a decade (or more!) to your life…or I might uncover the sinister truth about how municipal water supplies may be hazardous to your brain… or I may reveal what most doctors are completely missing when it comes to treating cancer patients.

It’s all part of my mission to make sure you have everything you need to make informed decisions about your health. So that you can live longer—and better—than you ever thought possible.

Of course, it all starts with my Reality Health Check. But that’s just the beginning…

Get EVEN MORE Resources For Ultimate Health

If you have a few free moments, I encourage you to explore everything I have to offer. Check out the full Reality Health Check archives and learn about how you can get even more in-depth information with my monthly, subscription-only Logical Health Alternatives newsletter. (Have a question or topic in mind you don’t see covered in the archives? Send me an email to [email protected] and I’ll consider it for a future issue!)

And feel free to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel. Here are few recent videos you may like:

Once again…I want to extend a final THANK YOU for joining me. My patients and subscribers inspire me on a daily basis. You are the reason I do what I do. And I’m so glad you’re here.

Until next time,

Dr. Fred