Why are GLP-1 drugs so effective against many diseases?

Do you know what’s funny?

The medical community is calling GLP-1 agonist drugs—like semaglutide and tirzepatide—“game-changers,” “blockbusters,” and even “wonder drugs.”

The community is simply astounded by the growing list of benefits that far exceed their original, approved use (for Type 2 diabetes).

These drugs not only help with weight loss, but also appear to prevent heart attacks, stroke, and other cardiovascular problems (like high blood pressure).

Plus, research is studying their impact on everything from kidney disease and sleep apnea—to neurodegenerative diseases, like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

And while everyone else is simply amazed, I must say—I’m not at all surprised.

Here’s WHY there are so many benefits of these drugs.

Your metabolic health is crucial

I’ve dedicated my entire career to helping people regain control of their metabolic health.

And for me, I’ve always put two-and-two together here…

Regaining control of your blood sugar and maintaining a healthy weight can resolve many of your health issues.

But apparently, this has caught the mainstream by surprise.

See, they don’t want to admit that we’re eating ourselves into disease. Just like insurance companies don’t want to cover prescription drugs (like GLP-1s) that actually help treat the root cause of disease (poor metabolic health).

After all, wouldn’t that mean they’d finally have to admit what we’ve known for decades? That our food supply is dangerous? And sugar kills?

But—any acknowledgement is a step forward. And as I always say, knowledge is power.

So, I will always welcome these studies—including the latest, which explores if GLP-1s might be effective against cancer.

A true cancer-kicker?

Some experts are beginning to wonder if GLP-1 agonist drugs can help ward off cancer. Or, more specifically, obesity-related cancers.

Here again, I don’t think this is a surprising connection. But let’s look at the research.

One study found that Type 2 diabetics taking GLP-1s had a 50 percent lower risk of 10 obesity-related cancers, compared to those on insulin.

Other trials even link these drugs to reduced risks of colorectal, liver, prostate, and pancreatic cancers.

Don’t get me wrong, that’s amazing. But in my view, it still all relates to this concept…

When you lower your sugar intake and regain control of your metabolic health, you’ll decrease harmful systemic inflammation, which drives disease risk. It’s not a foreign concept, yet the entire world acts surprised by these findings.

Bottom line? Rethink your diet. Cut the junk—especially refined sugars—and adopt a whole foods diet. As a result, you’ll naturally enjoy healthier blood sugar control and weight management.

But if you need help getting back on course, go ahead ask your doctor about those popular GLP-1s. Because while the health benefits aren’t surprising, they are very real. And regaining control of your metabolic health is a crucial step in your health journey.

P.S. Looking for additional ways to improve your metabolic health? Check out my Metabolic Repair Protocol. This innovative, online learning tool outlines a step-by-step, drug-free plan to regaining control of your blood sugar (and more). Click here to learn more!


“Can Popular Weight Loss Drugs Lower Cancer Risk?” Medscape, 11/25/2024. (medscape.com/viewarticle/can-popular-weight-loss-drugs-lower-cancer-risk-2024a1000lg1)