I don’t often write negative things about my colleagues. But my reaction to this recent bit of news can only be described as outrage. Because according to a new study, a lot of primary care [...]
I don’t often write negative things about my colleagues. But my reaction to this recent bit of news can only be described as outrage. Because according to a new study, a lot of primary care [...]
Heart disease may be losing ground to cancer as America’s top killer. But don’t think for a second that this makes it any less lethal. By the numbers, heart disease is still the country’s leading [...]
Like I said yesterday, I’ve dedicated my life to helping people lose weight. But please… don’t call me a “weight loss doctor.” Because my goal isn’t to make you skinny. It’s to make you [...]
If you told me back in the beginning of my career that one day, I’d be writing about using marijuana as a weight loss aid, I wouldn’t have believed you. And yet, here we are. Most people [...]
I have to admit, I chuckled when I came across a little article urging doctors to “screen for five markers to ward off heart disease, diabetes.” Why? It’s 2019, for Pete’s sake! And if docs [...]
I love plants—maybe more than most. I eat them every day. I grow them, for food and for show. And yes, I know each and every one of my plants by name. So why does the term “plant-based diet” set [...]
You can file today’s topic under “tell me something I don’t know.” Because as you may recall, I’ve been telling you for years that vitamin D can help fight against diabetes. But for as much as I [...]
Would you like to hear about some “’Remarkable’ Findings From [the] Da Qing Diabetes Prevention Trial”? (Yes, that’s a real headline—and in a moment, you’ll see exactly why it made me [...]
Hot on the heels of yesterday’s revelations about new cancer drug research, I can’t think of a better time to discuss yet another glaringly obvious example of the power Big Pharma wields here in [...]
There are so many medications that we use routinely for their “benefits”—without realizing that they actually cause us harm. I’ve devoted a lot of time to exposing the truth—most recently with [...]
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