When it comes to supplements, I find that most people fall into one of two categories: They either completely dismiss the importance of taking anything… or they resort to taking a simple, [...]
When it comes to supplements, I find that most people fall into one of two categories: They either completely dismiss the importance of taking anything… or they resort to taking a simple, [...]
After yesterday’s discussion on moving your body for powerful stress relief—let’s talk about one more simple solution to help keep you calm through the holiday season and beyond. Only this time, [...]
I’m so tired of hearing mainstream “experts” claim that vitamins do nothing but give you expensive urine. They’ve been doing it for as long as I’ve been practicing medicine. And if the United [...]
‘Concerning’: Vitamin Use in Men With Prostate Cancer Increasing. That’s a real headline that I recently came across. And I find it, well… concerning, to put it mildly. Because here’s the thing: [...]
Just look at this headline. And if it’s not the most absurd thing you’ve ever read, I’m telling you now, I’ll eat my hat: Choking Hazard: Another Reason to Skip Supplements. Excuse me, but… WHAT? [...]
Well, here we go again. Another day, another new report claiming that “Americans older than 50 years should strongly reconsider the use of supplements as a way of improving or protecting brain [...]
I recently came across a rather dubious and misleading headline. One that touted new research, showing that “compared with vitamins, some dietary supplements increase the risk for severe medical [...]
There have been some very positive stories about vitamin supplements making the rounds recently. So you and I both knew that at any moment, the other shoe was going to drop. And, well… it looks [...]