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“It’s a new reason to visit more often.”

That’s what Cindy Goody, Senior Director of Nutrition at McDonald’s USA, had to say about the fast food giant’s latest favor to the American public.

So what exactly is this new and exciting reason to visit this notorious fat factory more often? Soon, under a pair of golden arches near you, you will see a collection of obscenely high calorie loads displayed in bright, shining lights.

Of course, new legislation demands that large chain restaurants start disclosing the nutrition content of their “food” to customers. But that’s not expected to go into effect until at least the end of 2013.

You see, McDonald’s has decided to stay ahead of the pack and break healthy new ground. Not by apologizing for their shameful role in the obesity epidemic and closing up shop. But by making a light show out of their menu’s dismally deficient “nutrition” facts a full year ahead of time.

What’s that they say about the devil you know, again? Oh, right…it doesn’t matter.

Because it’s still the devil. Calories and all.