Off with their heads
Before you go signing up to have your stomach stapled or bypassed…
Let’s examine the two latest studies to report that bariatric surgery performed considerably better than traditional medical therapy in obese patients with type 2 diabetes.
Well of course it did. Because traditional medical therapy for treating type 2 diabetes is pathetic. The idea of telling a person to eat 60 grams of carbohydrates per meal and then to chase it with insulin is not good medicine.
Insulin is a storage hormone which means it will store fat and make you fatter. So, I am not surprised at the findings of these studies.
But that’s not a reason to go out and have surgery for type 2 diabetes.
You have the perfect medical tool for defeating type 2 diabetes, losing weight, getting healthy, and reducing your risk for heart disease. And it’s called my New Hamptons Health Miracle.
It’s simply appalling to know that the medical establishment is actively looking at cutting out or stapling your stomach to tackle type 2 diabetes. Pretty drastic measures simply because they don’t have the information you have.
In fact, there is a 10% mortality risk alone for the surgery. And after all is said and done, you’re left with a miserable life because your stomach’s too small: Obsessively monitoring everything you eat, limiting your supplement intake, becoming malnourished because you won’t be able to absorb nutrients efficiently, and never savoring a meal again. (Is that really better than avoiding sugar and simple carbs?)
What about the fact that we have no idea what the long-term side effects of bariatric surgery are? What about the fact that we do know that many people eat through their surgeries and are again overweight or obese?
It’s downright incredulous! To think that surgery should ever be considered a first-line option in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. This is a classic example of the shoot first and ask questions later strategy.
These studies were very small and there needs to be a lot more data to see if this really changes the risk of these individuals for developing very serious complications of diabetes somewhere down the road. All the surgery accomplished in the studies (besides ruining your meals) was weight reduction and lower blood sugar levels. It didn’t reduce blindness, cases of renal failure, amputations, or any other diabetic complication.
The surgical community of course is calling for the BMI indication for bariatric surgery to be reduced from over 35 to over 30. Furthermore, there is talk of using this method as a prevention tool for diabetes. That is one of the most absurd thoughts I have heard of in years.
If you want to prevent diabetes, teach people to eat correctly, and make it easier and more convenient to have food that is good for you (like my New Hamptons Health Miracle). But instead of doing that, our government subsidizes food which increases obesity: sugar, wheat, corn, and soy.
You know what I smell–KA-Ching!!!! For both the surgeons and the hospitals. If they want to cut something out, as the Queen of Hearts said, “off with their heads.” For egotistical surgeons, that would be a big weight loss!