When it comes to assessing energy metabolism and blood sugar regulation, your insulin levels paint a clear picture. That’s why I routinely test for them at my practice. But I would be [...]
When it comes to assessing energy metabolism and blood sugar regulation, your insulin levels paint a clear picture. That’s why I routinely test for them at my practice. But I would be [...]
On Tuesday, we talked about the problem with refined grains—which for some reason, this country’s nutritional “experts” just haven’t been able to wrap their brains around. Current dietary [...]
Lately, I’ve been extra-focused on COVID-19 and helping us get to the other side of this uncertain period. But even though I haven’t devoted as much time talking about diet and weight loss over [...]
If you’re a regular reader of mine, then this latest news won’t surprise you one bit. And really, it shouldn’t surprise anyone. But if I’ve learned anything in my 30-some years of practice, [...]
With coronavirus still upending business as usual all over the country, it can be hard to focus on anything else. But after devoting the rest of this week’s Reality Health Check articles to news [...]
I harp on the evils of sugar all the time. In fact, I’d bet that if you scanned my archives specifically for that word, it would be far and away the one that I use the most. I absolutely love to [...]
We’ve known for many years—at least since the 1970s—that heart disease starts young. And yet, for at least that long, people haven’t bothered to do anything about it. Well… most people. Way back [...]
You know how I’m always knocking those ignorant “experts” who insist that supplements don’t give you anything more than expensive urine? Well it might shock you to hear me say this, but… they’re [...]
The top fear for my patients is Alzheimer’s disease — hands down. And I can’t really blame them. No one is immune to this threat. (Heck, I’m getting up there in years myself.) Which is why I’m [...]
Your heart health and brain health go hand in hand — it’s a crucial connection I discuss with my patients all the time. And for once, we’re not talking about a link that’s only recognized by the [...]