As you may already know, I was an overweight child who ate way too much sugar and all the wrong types of fats. Even though I eventually learned to eat healthier and maintain a steady weight [...]
As you may already know, I was an overweight child who ate way too much sugar and all the wrong types of fats. Even though I eventually learned to eat healthier and maintain a steady weight [...]
In light of Monday’s conversation about the threat that “diabesity” has posed even to children during this pandemic, today, let’s dive deeper into the harmful effects of ultra-processed foods. [...]
More young children than ever are suffering from diseases that were once reserved for unhealthy adults. And that bothers me… a lot. But there’s more bad news… A recent Centers for Disease [...]
Today’s discussion should be eye-opening, to say the least. That’s because recent research shows just how common one serious condition has become among young (and supposedly healthy) adults… [...]
By now, you probably know how much I love the U.K.—and particularly, their sensible approach to healthcare. While doing some of my medical school training there, it was always interesting to [...]
Boy, was I alarmed when I read a recent headline linking adolescent obesity to midlife cancer risk. That’s partly because this news hits close to home: As you may recall, I was an obese child [...]
The modern world is a chemical soup—and the impact it has on our kids is especially infuriating. Children are exposed to thousands of chemicals every single day. This exposure can trigger [...]
It never fails to amaze me how handily giant corporations have been able to control and run America—especially when it comes to health and dietary guidelines. So, with the growing popularity of [...]
People ask me what to feed their children and their infants all the time. After all, I did write a book called Feed Your Kids Well. And one of the main things I’ve always said is that grains [...]
I’m going to start today’s conversation with a warning—the story I’m about to tell you is upsetting. And parents in particular may find it especially hard to read. But the message is important. [...]