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I live and work in New York City. It definitely holds true to its nickname of “the city that never sleeps.” It’s a high-paced atmosphere where the people are driven. And sometimes, a [...]
I love writing about testosterone — and here’s why. It’s actually something men will pay attention to, for the most part. And getting men to engage in one aspect of their health means they’re [...]
There are two things I’ll never understand: 1.) Why does all of the best information about sugar, diet, and nutrition always come out of Europe, when we’re perfectly capable of the same level of [...]
What is it with prostate advice? It’s wishy-washy at best — and downright maddening at worst. Especially when it comes to supplements. First saw palmetto is “the” answer. Then, suddenly, [...]
In a world where we’re surrounded by oncologists saying that diet doesn’t matter — or worse, that supplements only offer patients expensive urine — I’m always thrilled to come across [...]
You probably know by now that I’m a huge advocate for testosterone replacement — despite the beating this treatment has taken in the headlines over the years. The fact is, time and again, [...]
To say there has been a lot of controversy surrounding testosterone would be putting it mildly. It’s been thrown under the bus for supposedly causing everything from prostate cancer to heart [...]
Up-front chemotherapy in prostate cancer is a controversial topic (as it should be, given the risks). The current paradigm is to treat patients with prostate cancer with hormonal therapy first, [...]
Since I am a big believer in testosterone supplementation–yet STILL get so many questions about its safety–I wanted to discuss this fear-fueled debate a bit more. Around 80 years ago, [...]
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