Flavonoid in strawberries reduces kidney damage, neurologic complications associated with diabetes

A strawberry smoothie solution for diabetes?

Here’s your chance to get the newest diabetes drug-before it’s even a drug (in other words, before Big Pharma ruins it)!

Researchers recently discovered that strawberries contain a unique flavonoid that appears to reduce both kidney damage and neurologic complications associated with diabetes (at least in mice).

Normally, I wouldn’t even tell you about research like this, because I just don’t think that results from studies done in animals can be applied to humans. But the arrogant and downright dismissive attitude of the researchers who made this discovery sparked something in me, so here we are.

Without climbing too far onto my soapbox, suffice it to say that these “experts” made it sound like you would need to eat a bushel of strawberries to get anywhere remotely close to achieving the benefits they found in their study. But, as it turns out, an average adult would have to consume 37 berries a day. Maybe less, if they combined the berries with cream, which helps the body absorb this particular flavonoid.

Of course, the researchers ruled THAT out immediately since, they claim, “there are obviously concerns about eating too much cream.”

Really?! Aren’t there bigger concerns out there? Like kidney failure? And neuropathy? Both of which a simple strawberry-and-cream smoothie might possibly offset!?!

Brushing this finding off is just one more example of mainstream medicine’s deliberate refusal to acknowledge natural treatments for diabetes.

But I can guarantee you that when someone figures out a way to manufacture a synthetic version of this strawberry compound, it’ll become the next BIG diabetes drug.

Granted, this strawberry-and-cream therapy isn’t proven in humans, but there are plenty of natural supplements that do have solid research behind them when it comes to helping maintain healthy blood sugar levels, such as pine bark extract, vitamin D, and chromium.

There’s simply no reason anyone should wait around for side-effect-laden prescription versions of natural treatments that ALREADY WORK (and work safely).