Is America stuck in a death spiral?

I’ve warned before that our children will become the first generation not to live as long as their parents. A lot of people may have dismissed this as alarmist doomsday talk. But I’m sad to report that, once again, my dismal predictions appear to be coming true…

In fact, this is the second year in a row that the CDC is reporting a decline in life expectancy.

This means that a baby born in America can now be expected to live 78.6 years. That’s down from 78.9 years — which may not seem like a big deal on the surface. That is, until you consider the fact that the last time life expectancy dropped before this was 1993. And the last time it dropped two years in a row was back in the early 60s.

So what’s going on here? Let’s dig a little deeper…

On the one hand, declines in mortality from heart disease and cancer have flattened. This is no surprise, given the horrible state of the Standard American Diet and our apparent national allergy to exercise. Our bad habits were bound to drag down the statistics at some point.

And that’s exactly what’s happening: Heart disease and cancer — both caused by sugar and obesity, I’d like to point out — remain the leading causes of death in the U.S. And so long as their death toll is staying put, it’s absolutely going to drive down life expectancy.

Why? Because at the same time, death from so-called “unintentional injuries” — which includes drug overdoses — has rocketed to third place (up from fourth in 2015, and fifth back in 2012). These “unintentional injuries” made up a mere six percent of 2016’s deaths. But because they claimed younger people on the whole, the effect on average life expectancy overall was glaring.

In fact, 25- to 34-year-olds suffered the sharpest spike in mortality. Because in this age group, death from drug overdoses in particular have risen a whopping 50 percent since 2014. These overdoses — the majority stemming from opioid use — took well over 60,000 lives in 2016.

These statistics are cold, hard evidence of the shattering effect that the opioid epidemic has had on this country… all while America sits idly back and watches it happen. An estimated two million people are addicted to opioids. It’s going to take billions more dollars to treat them. Yet Congress has done nothing to stem this deadly tide.

And so the freefall continues. The CDC is predicting a third straight year of plummeting life expectancy. And if they turn out to be correct, it would mark the first time this has happened in America since the Spanish flu gripped the globe a century ago.

For a country so rich in both wealth and resources, this downward spiral is beyond the pale — placing us even further behind other developed nations in terms of life expectancy. (American lives are already two years shorter on average than our global economic peers — it’s closer to Turkey or Costa Rica than any European country.)

With all the talk of “making America great again,” you’d think somebody would be asking, “How we can make America live longer again?”

They’re not, of course. But that won’t keep me from offering up solutions, both here and in my monthly newsletter, Logical Health Alternatives, every single day. In fact, I tackled this very subject (and shared tips on how you can tap into your own personal real-life fountain of youth) in this month’s April issue. (Subscribers view my digital newsletter online by logging into the Subscribers section via my website,

So if you’re not a subscriber yet, what are you waiting for? Sign up—and start defying the statistics—today.


