Low-carb diet REVERSES life-altering disease?

I will always be thankful that I had the opportunity to train in London—it forever changed the way I practice medicine.

While the National Health Service (NHS) is far from perfect, they at least look for ways to decrease the cost of healthcare. And I’ve taken that lesson to heart.

I’m also especially grateful to have trained under Robert C. Atkins. Because of this, I have been exposed to the wonders of low-carb eating for my entire career.

I feel this has paved the way for my success in helping you feel better… and get healthier… in a cost-efficient way.

Now, research backs me up.

Case in point: Low-carb eating has been linked to REMISSION of a life-altering disease that plagues millions of Americans.

Significant health BOOST

Recently, a primary care doctor in Southport, U.K. saw his 125th patient with a type 2 diabetes remission after following a low-carb eating program.

In fact, David Unwin, MD, of Norwood Surgery explained, “of those patients who choose a low carb diet, 50 percent of them achieve remission.”

On average, patients who followed a low-carb diet saw a:

  • 33 percent reduction in A1c
  • 30 percent decrease in triglycerides
  • 12 percent drop in cholesterol/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C)
  • 10.3 percent reduction in weight
  • 10 percent decline in total cholesterol
  • 8.6 percent drop in systolic blood pressure (the top number)

Not only that, but among patients who followed this eating plan for over one year (34 months):

  • 77 percent achieved diabetic remission if diagnosed up to one year prior to starting the program
  • 16 percent achieved remission if diagnosed one to five years prior
  • 11 percent achieved remission if diagnoses six to 15 years prior

This is outstanding data!

And I’ll say it again—if these were results of a new drug trial, it would be on every news outlet on the entire planet.

EAT your way out 

I’ve said this time and time again, but we DO have the capability of reversing chronic diseases with food. And that’s especially true when it comes to type 2 diabetes.

The number of people with this disease has increased tenfold. And it pains me to see younger and younger generations battle the disease simply because of the way they eat.

Keep in mind that people with poorly controlled diabetes lose nearly one-third of their life expectancy. And it’s estimated that Medicare spends one-third of its budget on the disease.

But you DON’T have to turn to expensive drugs. Instead, lifestyle choices are crucial. And a low-carb diet isn’t hard to follow.

Simply focus on fresh, whole food choices—like lean protein from wild-caught fish and seafood, grass-fed and -finished meat, veggies and fruit, and nuts and seeds.

And remember, low-carb dieting doesn’t even mean you have to count calories. Because you can—and should—eat delicious food without ever feeling deprived.

For more guidance, check out my A-List Diet. Rest assured, there’s no counting calories, no complicated point systems, no bland “diet food”… just a whole lot of guidance, and countless, mouth-watering recipes.

Until next time,
Dr. Fred

“20% of Patients With Diabetes in Drug-Free Remission With Low-Carb Program.” Medscape, 11/21/2022. (medscape.com/viewarticle/984374)