If you’ve tried a low-fat diet, you know that man cannot live by lettuce alone. You’re hungry an hour later! Our bodies need a little fat–it’s just that simple.
You’ve heard me talk about the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids before (in fact, earlier this week, I told you about a recent study showing their potential to slow–or even prevent–prostate cancer).
Now, a group of researchers writes that omega-3 supplements may be a possible treatment for obesity itself. They published their opinion piece in Medical Hypotheses.
This group of researchers point to preliminary human and animal studies showing that omega-3 fatty acids may short-circuit the reward associated with food, and thereby reduce appetite and food intake.
It’s true that fats in food have that satiating effect. And getting plenty of healthy fats, in the form of omega-3 fatty acids AND in monounsaturated-rich foods–is certainly a good thing, not just for your weight, but for your overall health as well. These healthy fats help combat the high levels of omega-6 fats in your body. Our bodies function optimally when there is a balance of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fats.
And, as I mentioned in Tuesday’s Reality Health Check, there’s no downside to taking a quality fish oil supplement to get more omega-3s.
But why not indulge your taste buds as well? Herring, mackerel, salmon, trout, oysters, even canned pink salmon (one of my favorite quick breakfasts on mornings I’m running too late to cook eggs), are all packed with healthy fat. So is macadamia nut oil, so drizzle a little in the cooking pan, or over your dinner salad.
Plenty of my patients have joyfully dropped weight just by focusing on this one aspect of their diets. It’s all part of a healthy lifestyle–one focused on enjoying life, not depriving yourself.