I’ve been a big fan of eating gluten free for decades. In fact, a true gluten-free diet is essentially at the core of my New Hamptons Health Miracle. That is, eating foods that are by their very nature free of gluten–not gluten-free bagels or gluten-free candy bars.
The reason I bring this up is because of a recent study that says the prevalence of celiac disease (CD) in the United States may be more common than originally thought.
In fact, according to researchers, nearly 2 million people have CD, but most of them are unaware of it.
Well, duh! I’ve known for years that it’s no fluke that so many of my patients feel better by eliminating gluten from their diet (regardless of whether or not they’ve officially been diagnosed with CD).
Mainstream medical doctors need to wake up and realize what is going on around them. A revolution; starting with the grass roots support of people like you who read this newsletter. Conventional medicine is looking more and more archaic by the day.
Even this study stops short. Researchers only considered the different levels of immunoglobulin A (IgA). This is a good start. But, as I discussed in full detail in the April 2012 issue of my monthly newsletter, Logical Health Alternatives, doctors need to look beyond CD alone. And to the much greater prevalence of all levels of gluten sensitivity.
There are tests for gliadin and gluten IgG and IgE levels which should have also been addressed. Gliadin is another form of the protein found in wheat that your body can’t digest properly. And this can lead to symptoms such as irritable bowel, constipation, upset stomach, diarrhea, and more.
If you consider gluten sensitivity as a whole, 2 million is probably only 10% of the actual number of people with gluten concerns.
But here’s what really made me angry about this report: The authors emphasize that embarking on a gluten-free diet without first confirming the diagnosis of CD is not a good idea.
And I quote: “Symptomatic improvement of gastrointestinal symptoms after gluten withdrawal is considered a poor predictor of a CD diagnosis…Self-treatment with a GFD [gluten-free diet] is not recommended and should be discouraged.”
Can you tell me why!?!? I am confused. If you do something and feel better and it’s not harming anyone, what is the problem? Idiotic doctors and policy makers–they are making us sick.
Stick with the New Hamptons Health Miracle–and you won’t have to give gluten another thought.
“The Prevalence of Celiac Disease in the United States.” Am J Gastroenterol 2012; 107:1538-1544; doi:10.1038/ajg.2012.219; published online 31 July 2012