Smooth operator

There’s a reason resveratrol is practically a household name. Actually, make that thousands of published, peer-reviewed reasons.

So how about one more?

Researchers gave a group of 28 obese adults either 75 mg of resveratrol or a placebo daily for six weeks. At the end of the study, neither BMI nor blood pressure had changed with supplementation…but circulation sure did.

In fact, results showed that resveratrol improved flow-mediated dilation (FMD) by 23 percent. (FMD measures the relaxation response of the smooth muscles lining your arteries and blood vessels, which boosts blood flow throughout your body.)

And improvements were even more profound–closer to 35 percent–immediately after taking the supplement.

Healthy circulation is so critical to your health. And it’s also one of the first systems to suffer under the weight of obesity. So I probably don’t have to explain why this study’s results matter.

Getting a daily dose of resveratrol is a no-brainer. Simple as that.

But don’t uncork that bottle of red wine just yet. Yes, it’s a resveratrol goldmine. It’s also packed with sugar.

Instead, I recommend taking a resveratrol supplement, like the subjects in this study did… to the tune of 500 mg per day.

Chronic resveratrol consumption improves brachial flow-mediated dilatation in healthy obese adults. J Hypertens. 2013 Jun 5.