There’s been plenty of research in recent years showing that playing certain games and doing puzzles helps keep you mentally sharp. But a new study shows one particular puzzle game may also help [...]
There’s been plenty of research in recent years showing that playing certain games and doing puzzles helps keep you mentally sharp. But a new study shows one particular puzzle game may also help [...]
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So if you’re following the 10-day “Sugar Challenge,” you’ve ditched all of the candy and boxed spaghetti from your pantry by now. And that’s great! But you’re not completely out of the woods yet. [...]
I try not to use this space to promote specific products. But when I come across new ingredients that actually have solid clinical research behind them, I want you to be the first to hear about [...]
I know that food cravings can be hard to kick–especially when you’re trying to lose weight. It seems like you can’t quit thinking about those foods you love. Everyone [...]