Trans-fats–beyond the ban

I remember it well. The landmark day in 2006 when Mayor Bloomberg declared that New York City would lead the nation in the first ban on trans fats in restaurant food.

And, according to a new study in the Annals of Internal Medicine, it worked.

Researchers analyzed trans fats in restaurant meals before and after the ban. By 2009, the average diner’s meal had significantly less trans fats than before the ban.

As you know (or should know), trans fats are sheer poison for your heart. They’re in fast-foods (like French fries) and packaged products (like donuts and cookies). And, happily, since Mayor Bloomberg first laid down the law, more people are aware of the hazards of trans-fats–and actively avoid them.

Of course, now it’s become a marketing ploy. You see “Zero trans fats!” plastered across the labels of all sorts of packaged foods.

But honestly, as much as I support ridding our food supply of these poisons, just because a product can claim to have “Zero trans fats” doesn’t mean it’s a health food.

You’re smarter than that. Those chips and donuts and crackers are still a nightmare for your blood sugar and for your health overall.

Ditch the stuff, and enjoy REAL FOOD that was put on this earth for your pleasure. Grill up a nice, marbled rib-eye and a bunch of asparagus. Now that’s good, trans-fat-free eating.

“Change in Trans Fatty Acid Content of Fast-Food Purchases Associated With New York City’s Restaurant Regulation: A Pre-Post Study,” Annals of Internal Medicine 2012; 157(2): 81-86