Vitamin D cuts diabetes risk

The sun exposure/skin cancer debate has been going on for years. But one Boston University researcher has reviewed all the relevant studies on this topic. And after sifting through the data in all 129 of them, he finally came to a conclusion.

Spending a little time in the sun is actually good for you, because it raises your body’s natural levels of vitamin D.

In fact, “sensible sunning” can be very effective in preventing a variety of diseases. Including diabetes.

But you’ve got to do it right. Too little, and you won’t get all the “D” you need. Too much, and you risk skin cancer.

So, to make it simple, here are 5 easy steps for making sure your time in the sun is well-spent.

  • Head outside between 10am and 4pm, when the sun’s rays are strongest.
  • Catch the rays before you put your sunscreen on. While sunscreen blocks the damaging UV rays, it’s those UV rays that your body needs to produce vitamin D.
  • Your arms, legs, hands, arms, and face are the only areas you really need to expose.
  • You only need 5-10 minutes of direct sun exposure at a time. If you’re going to be outside for longer than that, it’s time to apply some sunblock. Just be sure to opt for a natural, organic one. Lavera, Aubrey, Earth’s Best, and Soleo are a few of my favorites.
  • Follow these steps 2 or 3 times a week during the spring and summer months.

It also doesn’t hurt to eat more vitamin D-containing foods. Oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines are good sources.

And I always recommend taking vitamin D3 supplements to guarantee you’re getting enough. I advise 2,000-5,000 IU daily.