Artificial sweeteners: “New” WARNINGS

It’s funny when conventional medicine thinks they stumbled upon a groundbreaking discovery…

When in reality, it’s something we’veknown for ages.

Case in point: they’re warning that aspartame and other non-nutritive sweeteners (NNS) do negatively affect our bodies (despite what Big Food has been declaring for decades).

Of course, aspartame has become sort of a buzzword for diabetics and dieters alike, searching for low-calorie, sugar alternatives.

But I’ve disclosed the “skinny” on these types of sweeteners many times before.

So, let’s see what the latest research found…

Significant and distinct influence

Several years ago, a team at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel observed the negative effect of sweeteners on the gut microbiome of mice, including an altered glycemic response.

And they wanted to see if their findings would translate to humans.

In a randomized, controlled trial featuring 120 healthy adults, researchers split participants into six groups:

  • Two groups did not consume any NNS and served as controls
  • Four groups ingested saccharin, sucralose, aspartame, or stevia daily for 2 weeks (all in doses lower than the acceptable daily intake)

Ultimately, each sweetener “significantly and distinctly” affected the consumer.

In fact, saccharin and sucralose, (two of the most common NNS) caused a metabolic dysfunction by interfering with glucose metabolism.

They also altered the composition of the gut microbiome.

To help understand the cause, researchers took the flora from human subjects and transplanted it into mice. The result? The mice experienced the same metabolic disorders!

Be smart about sweeteners

Let’s not forget that our microbiome is comprised of living organisms.

So it should come as no surprise that these crafty little bugs have the capacity to sense chemicals in their environment and change their behavior accordingly.

Of course, I’ve spoken about this for close to 30 years now: sugar substitutes are not metabolically inert and CAN alter one’s metabolism—including blood glucose levels.

(Yet these NNS are marketed toward diabetics?! Does it now make sense how absurd that is?)

Our microbiomes are unique. So the alterations that occur from the consumption of NNS is likely to vary from person to person. But we know that they are affecting our metabolism… and ultimately, our health.

Bottom line?

Steer clear of sugar and the toxic imposters. For more reasons WHY, tune back in to tomorrow’s Reality Health Check, where I’ll expose even more concerning details.

Until next time,
Dr. Fred

P.S. Join me TONIGHT at 7:00 p.m. (Eastern time) for my Emergency Alzheimer’s Summit. During this online event, I’ll talk about simple therapies to help prevent and fight Alzheimer’s. They may even help bring once-though “hopeless” patients back to life! Click here to reserve your FREE spot. (I hope to “see” you tonight!)

“Non-nutritive sweeteners affect human microbiomes and can alter glycemic responses.” ScienceDaily, 08/19/2022. (