When it comes to movement, I strongly believe that anything is better than nothing.
And I find it encouraging to see multiple studies support this stance.
Because the truth is, small bits of exercise absolutely will have a positive influence on your health. And that should be welcome news to the aging population.
Case in point: New research reveals taking a brief walk after eating—for just two to five minutes—can help ward off a common disease that plagues the country…
Walk or stand, but don’t sit
Researchers analyzed seven studies to determine that a brief walk after eating could help lower the risk of Type 2 diabetes.
As you may know, blood sugar levels spike after a meal. Then, insulin is produced to bring those levels back to a normal range.
When this gets imbalanced (which is easy to do, especially when following the Standard American Diet—SAD), you’re faced with a Type 2 diabetes diagnosis.
The good news is, this new analysis found that standing after a meal is better than remaining seated (those who stood experienced improved blood sugar levels).
But going for a short walk is even better…
Those who walked had lower blood sugar and insulin levels. In addition, their blood sugar levels rose and fell more gradually, which is critical for managing (and warding off) diabetes.
Protect your health, one step at a time
When it comes to fighting a diabetes diagnosis, it’s important to flush sugar out of the bloodstream and into the muscles, where it can be used for energy.
That’s why something as simple as walking can offer GREAT protection.
When you walk—or stand—your muscles contract. This uses some of that glucose (sugar) and helps lower your blood glucose levels.
Now, it takes about 60 to 90 minutes after a meal for glucose levels to spike.
So, go for a walk, do some housework, or find other ways to move your body within that time period to reap the benefits.
I even recommend committing to these “mini-walks” multiple times to help break up your day, no matter what you’re doing. After all, short bursts of exercise will help improve your mental health, too.
Start gradually and remember this: Each incremental step (heck, even every time you stand up) will lead to a health benefit. And if you do it consistently? Well, don’t just take my word for it, see for yourself…
Until next time,
Dr. Fred
P.S. This Thursday, October 27th at 7:00 p.m. Eastern time, I’ll be hosting my Combat Your Inflammation Summit. During this online event, I’ll be releasing my No. 1 inflammation fighting secret… among other details. So, whether you’re personally struggling with chronic inflammation, concerned for a loved one, or simply want to experience your best health yet… click here now to reserve your FREE spot to this much-anticipated event!
“Short Walks After Meals Can Cut Diabetes, Heart Risks: Study.” WedMD, 08/09/2022. (webmd.com/diabetes/news/20220809/short-walks-after-meals-cut-diabetes-heart-risk-study)