Cut headache and migraine pain in half…naturally

Well, it looks like this week’s theme continues—only this time, I’m not so much busting a myth as shattering a stereotype. Namely, the idea that cannabis is just a common recreational drug.

Because despite its reputation, marijuana delivers some of the most powerful medicine we have. And its benefits—including this latest one—speak for themselves.

Let’s dive right in…

Plant-based pain relief 

Get this: According to a new study, inhaled cannabis can cut headache and migraine pain nearly in half.

Researchers looked at data from nearly 2,000 patients who used a monitoring app close to 20,000 times to track symptoms before and after cannabis use. (So we’re talking about a lot of data points here, folks.)

And they found that self-reported headache severity dropped by 47.3 percent with cannabis use. While self-reported migraine severity dropped by 49.6 percent. (Both without headaches getting worse from overuse—a common complication of conventional headache treatment.)

Concentrated products like cannabis oil delivered greater benefits. But there wasn’t any notable difference between high-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and high-cannabidiol (CBD) strains. (Those are marijuana’s two main cannabinoids—the former is what gets you “high,” while the latter has no psychoactive effects.)

This finding suggests that maybe there are other cannabinoids behind these particular benefits—or that other constituents of cannabis (like terpenes) might also be at work.

And that’s why it’s so critical that we push for continued research into marijuana’s many potential uses. (Preferably before corporate entities buy up all the potent strains and restrict our access to them.)

A safe alternative to risky drugs

This is the first research to evaluate cannabis’ headache-relieving benefits without relying solely on patient recall—which is reason enough to take its results seriously. But it’s not the first study of its kind by a mile.

In fact, previous research has shown that cannabis works even better than ibuprofen in alleviating headaches. And considering the notorious risks of regular NSAID use, I think we can all agree that it would be nice to offer patients a safer plant-based alternative for pain relief.

And believe me, that’s exactly what cannabis is. Not just for migraines, but for other types of chronic pain, too. In fact, cannabis may be our best hope yet for a permanent solution to the opioid crisis.

The truth is that we’re only just beginning to scratch the surface when it comes to the health benefits of this plant—the same plant that, at one time, was synonymous with hippies and commies.

And while I know it isn’t legal in all 50 states yet—and there are still many states that won’t even allow medical prescriptions in the U.S.—I still think it’s important for you to know the facts. Because today’s medical grade marijuana isn’t the same weed people smoked back in high school.

It’s potent and quality-controlled. And it’s available in a number of different forms, ranging from the traditional flower to my personal favorite, pure CBD oil.

Yes, CBD comes from cannabis—the industrial hemp plant, to be more specific. But as I mentioned above, it won’t get you high.

It will, however, relieve your pain without significant risks or side effects… among a long list of other benefits, which I discussed in depth back in the July and August 2019 issues of my monthly newsletter, Logical Health Alternatives.

This truly is required reading for anyone still on the fence where cannabis is concerned. So if you haven’t already, you can access all of it by subscribing today.


“Cannabis reduces headache and migraine pain by nearly half.” Science Daily, 11/25/2019. (