How to conquer osteoporosis (it’s FREE!)

Osteoporosis is a dangerous condition of aging.

And, according to the most recent estimates, it affects one in three women—and one in five men—globally.

It occurs when bone mineral density and bone mass decrease. Some even describe it as having “brittle bones.” And, indeed, it can skyrocket frailty—one of the leading causes of fatal falls in seniors.

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that can’t be cured… but smart interventions can help tremendously.

Including my favorite prescription of all, which is FREE and can be performed anywhere

Mobility is key

It’s no surprise that being physically active is a crucial part of one’s osteoporosis journey.

In fact, research shows it can stimulate bone formulation and increase muscle mass.

This is imperative for patients to understand, as many popular osteoporosis drugs destroy bones even further—from the inside, out!

(I talk all about this concerning point in the March 2018 issue of my monthly newsletter, Logical Health Alternatives. If you’re not yet a subscriber, scroll down to learn about becoming one. Otherwise, click here to sign in and access the issue in my archives.)

Whereas overall mobility will help promote strength.

There are many osteoporosis-safe exercises available, some of which can be found online (especially on the Bone Health & Osteoporosis Foundation website). And you always have the option of working with a skilled physical trainer or rehab specialist, if you’ve already suffered a fall.

But for those of you who want to start an exercise routine right away, here’s what you can do…

Mix a targeted approach with daily movement

I always stand behind weight-bearing exercise as the best for preserving bone density.

In fact, researchers at the University of Missouri found that a regimen of weight-lifting and jumping exercises boosted bone density in healthy, middle-aged men with low bone mass, within a matter of months.

Their programs required 60 to 120 minutes of targeted exercises each week for a year. And scans of the whole body, hip, and lumbar spine showed significant increases at six months, which were maintained after a year.

I generally recommend up to 120 minutes of weight-bearing exercise a week.

Resistance bands are a cheap, easy-to-use alternative to weights, which you can find at any big box or sporting supply store. And a quick internet search will give you ideas on how to use them.

Of course, this new research also suggests combining a targeted approach like this with regular daily activity, which is an excellent point.

After all, regular movement will help you maintain strength and mobility as you age, whether or not you have “brittle bones.” For example, just take a brisk walk around the neighborhood… it really can be as simple as that.


“Osteoporosis Patients Need Daily Physical Activity and ‘Purposeful’ Exercise.” MedPage Today, 2023. (

Hinton PS, et al. “Effectiveness of resistance training or jumping-exercise to increase bone mineral density in men with low bone mass: A 12-month randomized, clinical trial.” Bone, 2015; 79: 203 DOI: 10.1016/j.bone.2015.06.008