Reverse pathology
Metabolic syndrome is completely reversible with the right lifestyle changes. And, as new research shows, with the help of one key supplement in particular.
This study followed 130 subjects between the ages of 45 and 55 for six months. Each day, participants took either 150 mg of Pycnogenol or a placebo.
Researchers accounted for five telltale risk factors of metabolic syndrome: waist circumference, high-normal triglycerides, low “good” HDL cholesterol, high-normal blood pressure, and high-normal fasting blood sugar.
At three months, subjects taking Pycnogenol had lower fasting blood sugar and smaller waists compared to controls. And by six months, all five factors–including triglyceride levels, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure–had improved significantly among this group.
I recommend that everyone take Pycnogenol–at least 50 to 100 mg–every day. And now, you can see why.
“Pycnogenol(r)® Supplementation Improves Health Risk Factors in Subjects with Metabolic Syndrome.” Phytother Res. 2013 Jan 28.