Missed diagnosis could lead to cognitive decline (and MORE)?

Many patients come to me with mysterious symptoms that are otherwise shrugged off by conventional docs.

Because if something isn’t black and white… the mainstream medical community typically doesn’t want to deal with it.

That’s especially true when it comes to one medical condition in particular. As a result, it is grossly under-diagnosed.

Let’s talk about it—including why this missed diagnosis could impact other areas of health, to boot.

Short- and long-term risks

Let me start by saying this: Medical practitioners operate in the gray nearly 100 percent of the time. It’s why we call it practicing medicine!

And there’s a lot of grey when it comes to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), in particular. (Perhaps that’s why I see it so often.)

PCOS is the most common hormonal disorder in women of reproductive age. In fact, it affects anywhere from 6 to 12 percent of women in the U.S., with millions more being “on the PCOS spectrum,” as I like to call it.

Common symptoms include, but aren’t limited to, irregular menstruation, excess hair growth, elevated testosterone levels, and ovarian cysts.

One of the worst aspects of PCOS in the short term is metabolic disruption, which often leads to weight gain. (To the patient, this is often one of the most noticeable, and disturbing, effects of the condition.)

But the longer-term risks are most concerning. For example, Type 2 diabetes and endometrial cancer are concerns for women with disordered menstruation.

And now, research suggestions PCOS could even impact cognition

Not-so-subtle cognitive changes

For this new study, 907 female patients between the ages of 18 and 30 were followed for three decades. Then, they were tested for memory, verbal abilities, processing speed, and attention.

Turns out, those with PCOS scored lower in areas of memory, verbal ability, and attention—compared to those without the condition.

In addition, using MRI scans, researchers found that participants with PCOS experienced white matter changes typically seen in older adults.

White matter is the part of the brain that coordinates information processing, communication, and storage. Some shrinkage is considered normal with aging. But clearly, we want to preserve white matter for as long as possible.

After all, these changes can lead to executive dysfunction, memory issues, sustained attention deficit, psychiatric disorders, brain fog, and more.

So, for me personally, when I hear complaints about excess hair growth, difficulty losing or maintaining weight, menstrual irregularities, and now, brain fog… I immediately consider PCOS.

If this sounds similar to something a loved one is experiencing, encourage them to ask their doctor about PCOS. Because if it’s left undiagnosed, it WILL cause problems. (Click here to read more about those dangers.)

P.S. Are you considered over your memory, inability to focus, or more? If so, I encourage you to check out my innovative, online learning tool—my Alzheimer’s Prevention and Treatment Plan. Click here to learn more!


“PCOS may be linked to memory, thinking problems in middle age.” MedicalNewsToday, 02/07/2024. (medicalnewstoday.com/articles/pcos-linked-cognitive-decline-memory-thinking-problems-middle-age)