I find it funny that we coined the term “sitting disease” many years ago.
I thought it was an apt way to help people understand that sitting too much can contribute to disease risk.
Now, plenty of research backs me up.
In fact, research suggests it could even amplify the risk of our nation’s No. 1 killer disease…
Startling statistics
According to a new study, people who mainly sit while on the job experience more than a 33 percent heightened risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) compared to those who don’t.
Researchers looked at just over 481,500 adults, average age 39, in a health surveillance program in Taiwan.
During a follow-up period that lasted 13 years on average, 26,257 participants passed away.
And get this…
A whopping 57 percent of the deaths occurred in those who mostly sat for work. That’s more than half!
Not only that, but there were 5,371 CVD-related deaths—60 percent of which occurred in the sitting group.
And it doesn’t stop there…
The most sedentary adults had a 16 percent increased risk of dying from any cause and a 34 percent higher risk of dying from CVD, compared to their more active peers.
But—taking breaks from sitting seems to ease the detrimental health risks.
In fact, increasing activity by just 15 to 30 minutes daily helped those who mostly sat—and who engaged in little-to-no leisure-time activity—lower their mortality risk.
Take regular breaks throughout the day
This is an important topic. After all, many of us sit, or used to sit, at desks for a living.
Not to mention, we sit in front of a computer or television screen for “down time.”
In fact, over the last 50 years, sitting for extended periods of time has become a “normal” part of living.
But let me make it perfectly clear for you: It is NOT normal!
Our bodies weren’t designed to be inactive for extended periods of time. And we can no longer sit (pun intended) idly while inactivity is quite literally killing us.
Could sitting disease be why we’re also seeing spikes in diseases like obesity, CVD, diabetes, and more? (I’ll let you chew on that.)
Bottom line? Making time for simple actions will better safeguard your heart… and your health.
Make sure you routinely get up from your desk, sofa, kitchen table, and more. Walk around the yard, office, park, or neighborhood. Go grab your mail. Go grocery shopping. Go to the gym!
Anything that gets you UP and MOVING is golden. As always, every little bit counts. (You don’t have to run a marathon here, folks!)
P.S. For an all-natural plan to further prevent and reverse America’s biggest killers, like heart disease, check out my Ultimate Heart-Protection Protocol. Click here to learn more!
“Prolonged Work Sitting Ups CVD and All-Cause Mortality, Daily Breaks May Help.” Medscape, 01/25/2024. (medscape.com/viewarticle/prolonged-work-sitting-ups-cvd-and-all-cause-mortality-daily-2024a10001uu)