I’m always telling you to follow a healthy, balanced diet.
And as the temperatures continue to rise, many of us crave fresh, seasonal fruits and veggies.
That’s great news for our nutrition…
As long as you opt for organic varieties.
Because survey says a shocking 75 percent of conventional produce is tainted with…
(Can you guess?)
Strawberries, peppers, and more
The answer is: pesticides.
Just recently this year’s “Dirty Dozen” list was released.
For 2024, the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) looked at nearly 50,000 samples of 46 different fruits and vegetables.
And here are the top 12 that are most contaminated with pesticides:
- Strawberries
- Spinach
- Kale, collar, and mustard greens
- Grapes
- Peaches
- Pears
- Nectarines
- Apples
- Bell and hot peppers
- Cherries
- Blueberries
- Green beans
Is your favorite snack (or side) in there?
If so, I urge you to select an organic variety. And before you say organic is too pricey, answer this…
Are those conventional, pesticide-ridden versions really worth risking your life over?
There’s no “clean” exposure
Let’s look at the other side of the coin.
In addition to classifying the dirtiest product, the EWG also highlights a “Clean FifteenTM” list.
These are the fruits and veggies with the least amount of pesticide residue. And for 2024, the list is as follows:
Carrots, sweet potatoes, mangoes, mushrooms, watermelon, cabbage, kiwi, honeydew melon, asparagus, sweet peas (frozen), papaya, onions, pineapple, sweet corn, and avocadoes.
If you’re on a budget, I advise prioritizing organic varieties from the “dirty” list.
But let’s not mince words: There are no “safe” pesticides. And any exposure (or ingestion) can be harmful.
That’s why I only ever buy organic produce. And I encourage you to do the same.
After all, these chemicals are linked to respiratory problems, reproductive issues, endocrine system disruption, neurological damage, an increased risk of certain cancers, and even death.
“The 2024 Dirty DozenTM.” EWG, 2024. (ewg.org/foodnews/full-list.php)