When I first started prescribing semaglutide (sold under brand names like Ozempic and Wegovy), I did so to help my diabetic patients take back control of their blood sugar. That’s because, as a [...]

When I first started prescribing semaglutide (sold under brand names like Ozempic and Wegovy), I did so to help my diabetic patients take back control of their blood sugar. That’s because, as a [...]
Being “large” has become so normalized in our culture… That nearly 50 percent of people don’t even realize they’re overweight. But here’s a reality check for you… Obesity is a disease. And the [...]
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a drug take over the world—or at least the U.S.—as quickly as Ozempic. (Or “vitamin O,” as I like to call it.) It’s truly a cultural phenomenon… Perhaps even bigger [...]
To “O” or not to “O,” that is the question. At least, that’s the question most of my patients are contemplating these days. And I’m not talking about the Big O—rather, Ozempic. It’s a newer drug [...]
What you’re about to read is one of the main reasons why our healthcare system is such a failure… Because when it comes to easy access to the medications that actually help people… The [...]
I don’t often talk about drugs in this space, especially new ones. That’s because I firmly believe that new drugs are never innocent, or to be trusted, until YEARS of use. After all, that’s when [...]
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