Will wonders never cease? Earlier this year, the German Society of Neurology and the German Brain Foundation revealed that too much sugar can harm the brain. Do you think the American College of [...]

Will wonders never cease? Earlier this year, the German Society of Neurology and the German Brain Foundation revealed that too much sugar can harm the brain. Do you think the American College of [...]
You have to laugh at this statement… “Is going sugar-free really good advice for patients with cardiometabolic risk factors?” Duh! Of course, the answer is an unequivocal YES. But, as modern [...]
Do you worry about cognitive decline? Are you concerned you might get dementia and become a burden to your loved ones? If so, listen up. Because new research reveals if you want to protect your [...]
It’s about time that the mainstream discusses the harmful effects of plastics. Because not only is plastic harmful to the planet, it’s especially harmful to human health. I stopped eating and [...]
February is American Heart Month. So, I want to address a very serious issue that you can’t afford to ignore—especially if you’re a woman. In fact, twice as many women die every year from [...]
I’m not a coffee drinker—but I know a lot of coffee lovers. And as I regularly report, you really don’t have to give up your morning cup of joe for better health. As for me, I love brewing up a [...]
I talk about the negative impact of pollution a lot in this space. Air pollution… environmental pollution… even light pollution. But one topic I haven’t covered? Noise pollution. Yes, it’s a real [...]
These days, recommendations for the “right” amount of exercise are all over the place. And I’m sure it’s incredibly confusing. But there’s one thing everyone can agree on: Exercise increases [...]
I spent a good portion of my medical residency taking people off of unnecessary medications — and it’s still a primary focus in my practice to this day. So I’ll never understand why mainstream [...]
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