When it comes to meat, don’t cut the fat — cut the toxins

If another so-called health “authority” insists that meat causes cancer… or that lean meat is better than organic meat…I’m going to scream.

Case in point: Six months ago, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) proclaimed red and processed meats to be as deadly as tobacco, asbestos, and plutonium.

I already explained why those headlines were all hype. And one of the reasons I gave was that the IARC gave absolutely no consideration to the quality of meat in question. Turns out, another group of scientists noticed the same oversight — and decided to investigate the issue further.

But don’t get too excited yet. Because their conclusion is as backwards as they come.

First, they take one step forward. These scientists admit that “the risks to consumer health are related to micropollutants — generated by human activity through breeding or veterinary treatments — or toxins induced by the processing itself.”

In other words, it’s not meat itself that’s toxic. The toxins arise from exposure to industrial processing and farming practices — rife with hormones, pesticides, and other persistent organic pollutants (POPs), including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).

Nice to see someone finally admitting it. But then, of course, come the two steps back…

These scientists go on to explain that “PCBs and other POPs accumulate in the fatty parts of meat because they are fat soluble. Reduced consumption of meat fats will reduce the intake of PCBs.”

I can’t for the life of me figure out why the solution to the problem of toxic meat is to tell consumers to remove its fat, rather than — oh, I don’t know — removing the toxins from the meat supply in the first place.

Actually, I take that back. I know exactly why. And once again, it all boils down to the almighty dollar.

As long as the government continues to subsidize industrial farming — and deny support to organic, sustainable, local operations — livestock raised on GMO feedlots will continue to deliver the cheapest, most accessible, and most profitable meat.

But there is some good news. Despite what the clowns dispensing dietary advice say, you do have better choices. In the form of organic, grass-fed and grass-finished beef. With all of the disease-preventing omega-3s, vitamin E, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) it provides.

It may cost a little extra. But believe me when I say it’s worth it. Because lean cuts of your average supermarket meat are still toxic. And your body deserves way better than that.

