Today’s topic needs no introduction. Because unless you’ve been living under a rock, you probably already know more about novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, than you ever cared to.
Most people had never even heard of it until a few weeks ago. But by now, it’s a common household name. So obviously, I wasn’t going to let the hysteria continue without putting my two cents in.
And I’ll begin by going over a handful of basic facts that everyone would be wise to keep in mind, no matter how frenzied the media reporting gets…
Risk according to the numbers
The population has never encountered COVID-19 before, so there are still a lot of unknowns in this situation. But here’s what we do know, so far.
The virus, which originated in China, has struck mostly adults over the age of 30. Symptoms appear up to two weeks following exposure, ranging from mild to severe, and they’re like what you would see with the flu: fever, cough, and difficulty breathing.
Data is limited, but so far, the overall mortality rate has hovered just over 2 percent—which is far from a civilization-ending pandemic. Though it’s important to note that it carries a much higher risk for the elderly (over 80 years old) and a much lower risk for patients under the age of 60.
Ultimately, COVID-19 doesn’t appear to be any more lethal than the flu. But it does appear to be every bit as infectious—if not more so—spreading easily from person to person, even when symptoms aren’t evident yet.
So it’s no surprise that the virus is already getting a foothold in the international community, including a number of U.S. states. But it doesn’t mean you should be panicking.
I can’t, and won’t, comment on this situation’s impact on global supply chains or the likelihood of quarantines—nor on how much toilet paper, non-perishable food, or medications you should be storing. I will leave those discussions to the doomsday preppers.
But based on the current data, the virus’ direct burden on the public health should be nothing worse than a bad flu season. (In fact, by the numbers, the flu remains the more dangerous concern.)
And as you know, I have no shortage of suggestions for people trying to boost their immune systems in light of any virus.
Keep calm and supplement
Obviously, you should start by heeding any travel warnings and restrictions—if you had a vacation to Asia planned, this would definitely be the time to cancel it.
As for how much more disruption you can expect coronavirus to cause to your daily life, I simply can’t say. But I can tell you that, whatever happens, you should continue to exercise the same vigilance that you would during any high-risk season.
In case you need a refresher, here’s my simple three-step strategy for winter wellness:
- Eliminate sugar
- Wash your hands regularly with plain, old soap and water—NOT anti-bacterial soaps and gels
- Supplement with 1,000 mg of AHCC per day
You should also be taking at least 5,000 IU of vitamin D3 and a high-quality probiotic every single day (as always, I recommend Dr. Ohhira’s)—both of which will help to keep your immune system firing on all cylinders.
For most healthy people, these steps are likely to be enough to help you sail you through the latest viral outbreak—whether influenza or COVID-19—unscathed. (If you’re older or have a weakened immune system, I urge you to review my full immune-fortifying protocol in the June 2014 issue of my monthly newsletter Logical Health Alternatives [“The terrifying diagnosis you’ve never heard of”]. Not a subscriber? Sign up today.)
But if you do start to feel something coming on? Obviously, you’ll want to call your doctor right away.
The bad news is that, outside of supportive measures, there’s not much else to be done. But this is what I do at the first inkling that I may be getting sick—and I haven’t suffered a full-blown illness in decades:
- Vitamin D—1,250 mcg (50,000 IU) for two days
- Vitamin A (as retinol)— 12,000 mcg (40,000 IU) for two days
- Olive Leaf Extract—500 mg three times per day for two days
- Oil of Oregano—500 mg three times per day for two days
In other words, keep calm and supplement. Eat well. Hydrate. Get plenty of rest. And whatever you do, please wash your hands.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19).” (