I have never been a big fan of artificial sweeteners.
And that includes the “latest-and-greatest” sugar alcohols.
I don’t like the marketing power behind them… the gastrointestinal side effects (like diarrhea) that are sure to accompany them… and the simple fact that they’re yet another artificial sweetener used to satisfy our nation’s sweet tooth.
Well, yet another new study reports on some MAJOR health risks of these sweet substitutes… but the sad reality is, we’re overlooking a MUCH bigger problem.
Dangerous for your heart
Sugar alcohols are used as sweetening agents in many foods. And they’re marketed to those who want to limit their sugar intake—like those with diabetes or folks following keto or paleo diets.
Well, a recent study linked erythritol—found in many processed and keto-related foods—to a heightened risk of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) over the next three years.
(MACE was defined as a cardiovascular-related death or a non-fatal heart attack or stroke.)
Not only that, but they discovered that ingesting just 30 grams (or one can) of an erythritol-sweetened drink markedly increased sugar alcohol levels in the blood enough to enhance clotting (thrombosis) risk.
(Thirty grams is also comparable to just one pint of keto-friendly ice cream!)
These are some pretty serious accusations… and it’s something that almost every artificial sweetener seems to go through. (I have been around a long time and have seen MANY sugar substitutes come and go in popularity.)
Of course, this study doesn’t prove causation—but here’s what it means to me…
Risky, harmful, and misleading
The giant 10 billion dollar/year artificial sweetener industry NEEDS a wake-up call.
I mean, isn’t it funny how the two that are actually derived from plants—stevia and monk fruit—have no serious side effects linked to them in their purest forms?
I’m talking about organic, 100 percent pure extracts without any added fillers—like Stevia In The Raw® and Smart Monk.
(Probably because the purest forms are expensive and don’t work as well for large-scale industrial manufacturing purposes… I’m sure you can see my point here.)
Because, yes, Big Food TAINTS these options by adding fillers like erythritol.
And yes, if not careful, the average consumer WILL fall to their misleading marketing gimmicks when they think they’re buying a safer alternative.
In other words, our food supply continues to grow more and more toxic.
To me, studies like these are a bright red flare that illustrates how our food supply may be causing health risks.
Because let’s face it, consuming these chemical artificial sweeteners can lead to weight gain, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, even cardiovascular disease…
Why do we need them? Why do Americans even require sweets? And why is it that natural sugar substitutes get SLAMMED in mainstream news when it’s the additives that are to blame?
Maybe THAT’S where we need to start this discussion, rather than end it. (I’m currently researching a gum that may help train your taste buds to not crave or like sugar… stay tuned!)
Well, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…
The easiest way to avoid these dietary disasters is to eat real food and just say “no” to sugar!
To help get you started, I explain how you can CUT your deadly sugar addiction in JUST three days—in the August 2022 issue of Logical Health Alternatives. Subscribers can login under the “Subscribers” tab on my website to dig through the archives.
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Until next time,
Dr. Fred
“Artificial Sweetener in Keto-Related Foods Tied to CV Risk.” Medscape, 02/28/2023. (medscape.com/viewarticle/988861)