I don’t know about you, but I do everything and anything I can to keep my brain healthy, alert, and active.
Of course, we hear about SO many different things to do, or take, or stop. And I’d be lying if I didn’t admit it can all be a little overwhelming at times.
So, today, let’s focus on six simple factors that could help SAVE your memory…
NOT your average decline
In a recent study, researchers pinpointed six lifestyle factors that slowed cognitive decline in older adults.
All participants had normal cognitive function at baseline, but their Apolipoprotein E4 (APOE4) status was factored in. (Carriers of APOE4 have a higher genetic risk for Alzheimer’s disease.)
Then, their lifestyles were evaluated based on their regular routines. Following just two-to-three healthy behaviors was considered average. Anything higher was favorable—and anything lower was unfavorable.
Ultimately, as I’ve reported before, researchers concluded certain lifestyle factors CAN slow cognitive decline, regardless of “bad genes.”
In fact, researchers found each of the following healthy behaviors was associated with a slower-than-average decline in memory over a decade: healthy diet, cognitive activity, physical activity, not smoking, abstaining from alcohol, and socialization.
Not surprisingly, following a healthy diet was the strongest brain protector, followed by cognitive activity and regular exercise.
Now, memory decline did occur faster in APOE4 carriers. But when compared to those with unfavorable lifestyles, those following favorable and average habits were able to slow decline by nearly 90 percent and 30 percent, respectively.
Fend off forgetfulness
Now, let’s face it…
Memory continuously declines as we grow older. And factors that increase this decline include aging, APOE4 genotype, chronic diseases, and lifestyle.
Well, guess which one we have the most control over? That’s right… lifestyle.
Folks, following certain lifestyle changes CAN reverse that common “sign” of old age—forgetfulness. Or at the very least, help your memory to become more stable (rather than progressing to a mild cognitive impairment or dementia diagnosis).
Here’s what I recommend:
Follow a healthy, balanced diet. More fresh foods and less packaged junk. As always, I recommend lean protein from grass-fed and -finished beef, organic poultry, and wild-caught fish and seafood, fresh produce, and healthy fats from sources like macadamia nuts and avocados.
Get moving. Remember, anything is better than nothing here. But I always encourage at least 20 minutes of physical activity daily.
Keep your brain engaged. Examples of “cognitive activity” include writing, reading, playing cards, completing crossword puzzles, and more.
Stop smoking and limit your alcohol consumption.
Socialize. Reach out, go out, and interact with people. After all, staying social has been linked to stronger cognitive function, whereas social isolation can hijack it.
At the end of the day, these modifications make our entire life healthier—to that there is no question. That’s why I encourage you to adopt these behaviors—as many of them as you comfortably can—as quickly as possible.
P.S. Want to learn about more ways to protect your brain from memory decline? Check out my comprehensive online learning protocol, my Alzheimer’s Prevention and Treatment Plan. Click here now!
“Six Healthy Lifestyle Habits Linked to Slowed Memory Decline.” Medscape, 01/26/2023. (medscape.com/viewarticle/987572)