The dietary disaster you NEED to avoid

Americans are often—especially in terms of health—looking for an easy fix to a complex issue.

We like black and white solutions… something that’s quick, simple, and easily attainable. Nope, we aren’t a very “grey” society.

I understand that’s a broad statement, but it can be applied to many aspects of life in 21st century America.

Especially when it comes to FOOD.

But this is one dietary saboteur you NEED to avoid

Detrimental to your heart

For decades, Big Food has offered us a way to supposedly battle against our nation’s collective sweet tooth…

Artificial sweeteners.

But research continues to call into question whether these sugar substitutes actually represent a healthy way to cut calories.

(Spoiler alert: They’re quite dangerous!)

In fact, a recent study found that some versions—like erythritol, a sugar alcohol—increase three-year risk for major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), such as a non-fatal heart attack or stroke.

Worst yet, those at risk for heart disease experienced a two-fold increase in MACE alongside a higher intake of such sugar alcohols.

Plus, researchers linked erythritol to clot formation. So it makes sense why heart attack risk might increase alongside consumption.

(They should have analyzed bowel movements as well, as erythritol can cause gas pains and, quite often, diarrhea.)

That black and white solution doesn’t seem so simple now, does it?

And if you think you don’t consume erythritol, think again—it’s the most common artificial sweetener used in keto- and paleo-based products.

Loads of health risks

Obviously, this isn’t the first time an artificial sweetener has been linked to cardiovascular events.

A large-scale study out of France linked total artificial sweetener intake—mainly, aspartame, acesulfame potassium, and sucralose—from all sources to a higher overall risk for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. (Including heart attack, acute coronary syndrome, angioplasty, angina, stroke, or transient ischemic attack.)

Here again, you may think you’re “free” from risk, but average intake was just one individual packet of sweetener or 100 mL of diet soda (that’s less than one-third of a can).

And I’ll throw this in for “fun” …

Mice given less than 15 percent of the maximum daily recommended intake of aspartame experienced increased levels of anxiety and fear.


Of course, if you’re thinking what I’m thinking, we really are caught between a rock and a hard place. Artificial sweeteners are NOT healthy, but neither is sugar, which has been linked to colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, fatty liver… the list is practically endless.

And while some “experts” would preach moderation, we Americans aren’t particularly moderate with the sweet stuff.

My advice? Avoid sugar and artificial sweeteners regularly, like I do. Instead, perhaps, save the sweet tooth indulgence for very special occasions only.

If you need help ditching your addiction, check out the August 2022 issue of my monthly newsletter, Logical Health Alternatives (“Cut your DEADLY sugar addiction in THREE DAYS”).

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“Artificial Sweetener in Keto-Related Foods Tied to CV Risk.” Medscape, 02/28/2023. (