I know it’s challenging for people to find time to regularly exercise, especially in our go-go-go society.
But I can’t stress the importance of it enough.
And now, research reveals a unique benefit of including this in your daily routine. In fact, it could protect against an irritating condition that affects millions of adults.
Are you one of them?
It’s a condition that often stems from too much screen time, overly dry indoor or outdoor environments, air pollution, certain medications… the list goes on.
Here’s everything you need to know…
Eliminate dry eyes with aerobic exercise
Chronic dry eye—our irritating condition—isn’t always something we have control over. We can’t always reduce our screen time, control our environment… you get my point.
But according to research from the University of Waterloo, there may be a simple solution that doesn’t include turning to ineffective, over-the-counter eye drops: aerobic exercise.
Researchers took 52 participants and divided them into two groups:
- An athlete group that exercised at least five times weekly
- A non-athlete group that exercised no more than once weekly
Participants underwent visual exams before and after their exercise sessions where researchers assessed tear secretion and tear break-up time.
When we blink, our eyes are covered in protective tear film. This film consists of oil, water, and mucin—three layers that ultimately hydrate the eye and protect against irritants.
When any part of the tear film becomes compromised, the ocular surface can develop dry spots. This can cause burning, itching, and stinging sensations in your eyes.
But researchers discovered a significant increase in tear secretion and tear film stability after participating in aerobic exercise, suggesting a simple solution for relieving this irritating condition.
Get up and move
Hopefully, I have convinced you by now that all of the health benefits gained from exercise far outweigh doing nothing at all.
If not, here is the message yet again—get up and move!
I recommend getting 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week. And remember, exercise can be fun. Some great forms of aerobic exercise include dancing, hiking, walking, and weight training.
For additional ways to combat chronic dry eye, check out the September 2019 issue of my monthly Logical Health Alternativesnewsletter (“7 easy, drug-free tips for wiping out chronic dry eye”.) Subscribers already have access to this article—and MORE—in my archives.
So if you’re not already a subscriber, click here to become one today.
Until next time,
Dr. Fred
P.S. Happy Memorial Day! I hope you get to enjoy some quality time with family and friends.
“Exercise can provide relief for dry, itchy eyes.” Science Daily, 02/03/2022. (sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/02/220203083607.htm)