I’m always praising the power of a good night’s sleep—for weight control, immunity, metabolic health, memory, and much more.
But here’s a connection you may not have considered: New research published in the Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology recently shined light on the critical influence that healthy sleep habits have on adult asthma symptoms.
And needless to say, it offers yet another example of sleep’s power to make or break your health…
Healthy sleep is a balancing act
Researchers surveyed nearly 1,400 asthmatic adults on their sleep habits. They found that just over 25 percent slept five hours or less on an average weekday (“short” sleepers)—while nearly 66 percent slept six to eight hours nightly (“normal” sleepers) and just over eight percent slept nine hours or longer (“long” sleepers).
And compared to subjects who got a normal amount of sleep, short sleepers were more likely to have had asthma attacks, dry cough, and hospitalization over the past year.
They also had worse quality of life—as measured by physical and mental health, as well as sick days—and needed more frequent healthcare.
But long sleepers suffered consequences, too. They were more likely than normal sleepers to suffer activity limitations due to wheezing. (This isn’t surprising—as I’ve explained here before, you absolutely can get too much of a good thing where sleep is concerned.)
Ultimately, 45 percent of normal sleepers reported an asthma attack over the past year—versus 59 percent and 51 percent of short and long sleepers, respectively. A significant difference, with potentially fatal consequences.
Get a better night’s sleep, starting now
The Asthma and Allergy Cure was among the first books I wrote—so needless to say, this issue has been a cornerstone of my practice for a long time. The foundation of that specific plan is vitamin D, vitamin A, and Dr. Ohhira’s probiotics, as well as a yeast-free diet.
But the takeaway here is pretty clear: If you’re not also getting proper sleep every single night, then there’s a good chance that your asthma isn’t under control, either. I always recommend seven to nine hours of shuteye each night.
Of course, a night of deeper, more restorative sleep isn’t always as simple as going to bed earlier. That’s why I designed my Perfect Sleep Protocol—to offer a step-by-step, drug-free solution for all of my patients and readers who struggle with insomnia.
You can learn more about it or enroll today by clicking here.
“Too little sleep can mean more asthma attacks in adults: First study examining adults with asthma shows negative impacts of sleep deprivation.” Science Daily, 05/12/2020. (sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/05/200512092552.htm)