Cancer survivors: IMPROVE your health, longevity

My goal is to help you become the best version of yourself. And that goes for your loved ones, too—especially your grandchildren.

After all, my very first book was Feed Your Kids Well… because for decades, I have felt that we are basically killing our next generation.

If that’s too strong of a word for you, then hear me out another way: We’re setting our children up for failure—priming them to become unhealthy adults with a potentially much shorter lifespan.

Case in point: Childhood cancer rates on the rise… including these six obesity-related cancers.

And those who have cancer as a child have a higher all-cause mortality (death) rate as an adult, even four decades after their original diagnosis. They’re also more prone to heart disease and stroke.

The good news is, there’s a simple solution that can SLASH disease risk and IMPROVE your lifespan…

Plus, it works wonders for EVERYONE—cancer survivor or not!

Tried-and-true recommendation

According to the latest data, following a healthy lifestyle is the key to a better life. No surprise there!

But let’s break this down…

Researchers found cancer survivors could CUT their all-cause mortality rate by 20 percent by simply following a healthy lifestyle.

And if they avoided a high blood pressure or diabetes diagnosis? That risk fell by 30 percent!

In medical jargon, we call these excess deaths.

Now, it’s no surprise that following an unhealthy lifestyle–regardless if you’re a cancer survivor or not–can lead to premature death and disease. But the sad reality for childhood cancer survivors is this…

Those diseases associated with “aging”—and early death risk—occurs at a much higher rate and at a much younger age.

I’m talking about subsequent cancers, heart disease, stroke, chronic liver and kidney disease, infectious diseases, and more.

Any work is good work

I’m not sure if you’re noticing a recurrent theme in my articles…

While this study highlights the importance of encouraging cancer survivors to adopt a healthy lifestyle, it’s just as important for ALL of us to do just that.

Because while I’ve always been adamant about disease prevention, I’m also trying to help you understand that preventing disease (and early death risk) is SIMPLE. You just have to take control of modifiable behaviors by practicing healthier behaviors.

That includes eating a healthy, balanced diet, moving your body as often as possible, and getting quality sleep each night.

And one last thing…

I always aim for perfection—but I know it’s not an attainable goal. So, here’s another slice of good news from this current study…

Even a moderately healthy lifestyle was associated with a 10 percent reduction in health-related mortality!

In other words, ANY work is GOOD work. You just have to put forth the effort.

P.S. Looking for simple, science-based strategies to help ward off a cancer diagnosis? Check out my Essential Cancer Protocol. Click here to learn more!


“Healthy lifestyle associated with reduced mortality risk in childhood cancer survivors.” St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, 04/05/2023. (