Five-minute CANCER crusher?

I know… I write about exercise a lot.

But I just can’t help myself, as the health benefits—even for the least vigorous amounts—are remarkable.

If you don’t believe me, perhaps this hot-off-the-presses study will change your mind.

Because researchers may have just landed on a five-minute cancer crusher.

Up to 32 percent reduced risk

Researchers at the University of Sydney compared data from wearable fitness devices worm by over 22,000 “non-exercisers” against health records for six to seven years.

(Non-exercisers are those who don’t follow a fitness program or exercise in their spare time.)

It turns out, short bursts of vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity (VILPA)—we’re talking four to five minutes’ worth—SLASHED cancer risk up to 32 percent!

(Most notably, this amount of activity protected against cancers that heighten alongside sedentary behavior, like lung, kidney, bladder, and stomach cancer.)

Examples of VILPA include lifestyle activities that really get the heart pumping… like vigorous housework, carrying heavy boxes or bags, power walking, and playing high-energy games with children.

Better still, the activity doesn’t even have to occur all at once… even a handful of short, one-minute bursts throughout the day still offer protection!

And if that finding doesn’t convince you to make small amounts of activity a priority, consider this…

The study also found that a minimum of 3.5 minutes of daily VILPA was linked to an 18 percent reduction in cancer rates, compared to sedentary peers.

Use your time wisely

Now, even with all the evidence I provide about the many benefits of short bursts of activity, I know some folks still won’t exercise regularly.

So here’s my challenge to you…

The next time you’re tempted to scroll through social media or binge watch a TV show—let’s be honest, many of us burn through five minutes without thinking twice on these mindless activities—consider using that time for a quick stroll around the block, gardening, or even a quick activity in your own living room.

Because as this study shows, a little bit goes a LONG way.

If you’re looking for other ways to switch up your exercise routine at home, follow alongside my in this video. Click here!

And for those of you on the other side of the spectrum, let me end with this…

While these short bursts of activity may offer vast protection, even against cancer, don’t use it as an excuse to do less. At the very least, if you already exercise regularly, keep doing what you’re doing… and add a little more, as you’re able. The benefits are endless!

P.S. Join me TONIGHT at 7:00 p.m. (ET) for my Ageless Vision Virtual Event. In it, I’ll reveal details about a “golden spice breakthrough”—along with more science-supported, patient-tested, natural vision saving therapies. Click here now to reserve your spot!


“Short Bursts of Activity May Cut Your Cancer Risk.” WebMD, 07/28/2023. (