Hormone replacement may help keep your brain young

I am a big believer in hormone replacement therapy (HRT) both for men and women.

After all, there’s a reason why we have these hormones, why they peak in our youth, and why all the research on their benefits seems to point in the same direction: People with healthier levels live the longest.

But if you’re not yet convinced, here’s a new study that should do the trick…

This is your brain on estrogen

Today, I want to talk about one of the most feared diagnoses: Alzheimer’s disease.

Most cases actually occur in women… which, in itself, suggests that there may be something hormonal—or at least, gender-specific—at work in this disease’s development. And a new study set out to explore this connection.

Researchers looked at data on cognitive function and aging collected from Utah women aged 65 years or older. They estimated the total lifetime endogenous hormone exposure of each subject—that is, the amount of naturally produced estrogen exposure they received through years of ovulation. Along with hormone exposure from the outside—including whether the women received post-menopausal HRT, and for how long.

They used these two factors to generate an estimate of total lifetime estrogen exposure. And guess what? Both had links to a lower risk of cognitive decline with age.

Specifically, they found that women who started HRT within five years of menopause had superior cognitive function to women who initiated HRT later in their life.

Talk to a specialist today

The sooner you go through menopause, the higher the decline in cognitive function—yet another reason why avoiding early menopause should be an urgent health priority. And if you’ve already reached menopause?

Well, if you want to preserve your brain health and secure a whole host of other benefits, consider discussing HRT with your physician.

Of course, you should also know that HRT does not come without its fair share of risks. (For example, if you have genetic or family history of certain hormone related diseases, you should probably pass on HRT.)

But for the most part, these risks can be avoided if you are monitored correctly. That’s why you definitely want to speak with your doctor about it. And if they’re ignorant on the subject, find a specialist who understands how to work safely with bioidentical hormones to help you live your best life.

(The American College for Advancement in Medicine [ACAM] is a great resource for locating an experienced practitioner in your area. Simply plug your zip code into their search engine to find a list of physicians near you.)

On that note, allow me to interject with my own personal experience in treating patients for almost 30 years in private practice…

This is something that I tell all the women (or men) who come to me contemplating HRT: You can tell from across a room—or at least, I can—who is on HRT and who isn’t. Because those people are simply more vibrant. They look better, they feel better, and it always shines through with a certain “je ne sais quoi.”

But if the only thing HRT did was protect against cognitive decline, it still would be enough to make a believer out of me.

P.S. I also have various recommendations on ways to naturally protect and restore memory, strengthen focus, and fight dementia as you age. Which is why I designed my Alzheimer’s Prevention and Treatment Plan protocol. To learn more about this innovative online learning tool, or to enroll today, click here now!


“Hormone Exposure and Risk for Dementia Later in Life.” Medscape Medical News, 01/08/2020. (medscape.com/viewarticle/922602)