Yesterday, we talked about how dietary interventions can promote healthier aging. So, today, let’s expand on one of those health benefits. Because a new study found that a ketogenic approach to [...]
Yesterday, we talked about how dietary interventions can promote healthier aging. So, today, let’s expand on one of those health benefits. Because a new study found that a ketogenic approach to [...]
I don’t know what’s more jarring… The fact that the mainstream has zero clue when it comes to nutritional needs—or that people continue committing to CRAZY diets to lose extra weight. Case in [...]
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Today, many folks will eagerly prepare a traditional Irish-American meal, like corned beef and cabbage. But perhaps your mind goes to the humble potato. Yes, potatoes [...]
Most folks want to simplify their lives… and that includes ditching confusing dietary advice. And, as a reader, you already know how easy it is to eat healthy. In fact, I’m always talking about [...]
Have you had a chance to review the U.S. News & World Report’s annual rankings of the best diet plans? This year, they ranked 24 diets to help people find a plan that meets their goals. [...]
I have never believed in the old adage that the healthiest way to eat is to enjoy six small meals a day. It just never made sense to me. And nowadays, plenty of research backs me up. Of course, I [...]
There’s amazing research coming out about our gut microbiome. So amazing that I think these discoveries will change the way we look at health. And I say: It’s about time! I’ve [...]
Can we all breathe out a collective, “DUH,” to this new headline: “Cutting Dietary Simple Sugars May Relieve GERD Symptoms.” Because, duh! The authors are saying this is [...]
I don’t subscribe to the “calories in, calories out” theory of weight loss and maintenance. That’s because not all calories are created equal—and not all metabolisms are, [...]
Whenever I end up in a grocery store, I always make a point to shop the perimeter. But one wrong turn, and the trip could turn TOXIC. That’s because the inside aisles are filled to the brim with [...]