Light up the grill and indulge in the secret to lifelong independence

When it comes to increasing longevity, I think we can all agree that quality is every bit as important as quantity. Unfortunately, it’s also a major blind spot for the mainstream medical establishment—which is great at keeping people alive, but terrible at keeping them healthy.

And as the population ages, this shortcoming is only going to become more obvious, with more and more people needing assistance to simply live their lives… Whether it’s bathing and dressing themselves, or going to the grocery store.

It’s a shame, really. Because maintaining independence and warding off disability doesn’t require anything special. In fact, according to one recent study, it might only require a regular steak dinner.

Ward off disability with a protein boost

Let me explain: This new study appeared in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society late last year. Its goal was to explore whether eating more protein could help older adults maintain and extend their independence.

In order to examine this association, researchers took data from the Newcastle 85+ Study, which featured 722 participants aged 85 and older from two UK cities. Subjects reported what they ate every single day—along with their weight, height, overall health, and medical records.

Researchers found that nearly 30 percent of these elderly subjects didn’t meet daily recommendations for protein intake. But perhaps more importantly, people who ate more protein in the beginning of the study—in this case, at least one gram of protein per kilogram of body weight, or about 0.5 grams of protein per pound—were significantly less likely to suffer disability by the end of the study.

And why wouldn’t they be? Increased protein helps to slow muscle loss—one of the main causes of aging and disability. But older adults eat less protein than their younger counterparts, despite requiring more of it to meet their body’s needs.

It’s a disastrous combo. But it’s also one that’s easy to fix.

The A-List way to live better, longer

I recommend one gram of protein per pound you weigh. (And if you’re trying to gain weight or build muscle, I often recommend twice that amount.) On its face, that may sound like a lot—but this isn’t the first study to demonstrate that the current RDIs are ridiculously low. In fact, I discussed this at length in the October 2015 issue of my Logical Health Alternatives newsletter (“How much protein do you really need?”).

(Subscribers to my newsletter have access to this article, and my entire archive. Not a subscriber? Click here to learn more, or sign up today!)

Luckily, my A-List Diet makes meeting your requirements easier. It features full servings of high-quality protein in every meal. (And don’t forget, protein doesn’t always have to come in the form of meat. Eggs, cheese, and nuts are all great sources of protein, too.)

Depending on how much you eat, though, you may find that you still need more. Especially when a 4-ounce serving of steak only contains 28 grams of protein. And a three-egg veggie omelet only packs 18 grams.

That’s why I recommend at least one whey protein shake a day. Whey protein is an easy—and tasty—way to add 20 or more grams of protein to your daily intake. (For instance, a single scoop of my WheyLogic contains a whopping 21 grams of protein.)

Just remember there are a few things to consider when choosing a whey protein product. Look for one that has 8 grams of carbs or less per serving. And only mix it with plain water.

If you like a thicker consistency, add some ice cubes and mix it up in a blender. You can also add a tablespoon of Macadamia Nut Oil for a healthy boost of monounsaturated fatty acids. (This little trick will keep you full even longer).


“For older adults, does eating enough protein help delay disability?” Science Daily, 11/02/2018. (