You can always count on big corporations to latch onto health trends — and then exploit them beyond all recognition. So you can imagine my amusement when I came across a study touting almonds, [...]
You can always count on big corporations to latch onto health trends — and then exploit them beyond all recognition. So you can imagine my amusement when I came across a study touting almonds, [...]
When I saw the headline about a lab-created additive for cooking oil that restaurants can use to deep fry foods…it literally made me shutter. It seems this cooking oil concoction can extend the [...]
It was only a matter of time before this would happen. Coke has been manipulating the public for years with its clever advertising campaigns, but this time they’ve gone too far…and they’ve been [...]
On Monday, I talked about how the FDA declared … quite a bit too late … that a whole class of common painkillers are so potentially dangerous that they need to have heart disease and stroke [...]
It’s time to focus on phosphates once again. They’re the preservatives and stabilizers that food manufacturers routinely put in processed and packaged foods. I’m not talking about phosphorus, by [...]
They’re at it again…another group of food chemists have been tinkering with nature — to make an already healthy food supposedly “healthier.” And what’s worse, it’s all in the interest of [...]
I can’t tell you how many times new patients look at me in complete shock when I tell them they don’t have to avoid eating cheese. Unfortunately cheese gets quite a bad rap thanks to those who [...]
I want to expand a bit on something I briefly mentioned in a Facebook post recently, because it’s a topic that’s just too disturbing to drop. As I’ve noted, the good ol’ FDA is cracking down on [...]
By now, you’re well aware of my feelings about fat. Quite simply, it’s not the villain it’s been portrayed as by many so-called nutrition “experts.” And those dire warnings that “fat makes you [...]
It looks like the health “experts” here in the US aren’t the only ones resistant to change—even in the face of unequivocal evidence. The other day I came across a research paper from the UK. And [...]