Two prescription “medications” you should never waste your time or money on

It never ceases to surprise me when the American Heart Association (AHA) and I actually agree on something. Still, it happens from time to time… though almost never without a catch. And today’s instance is no exception.

So for anyone who thinks that my concerns about Big Pharma co-opting nutritional cures is unfounded, allow me to tell you a little story about the AHA’s latest “science advisory” on omega-3 fatty acids…

Slash “stowaway sugar” by 30 percent

AHA scientists recently published this advisory to summarize the effects that high-dose omega-3s have on lipids. And on triglycerides (or as I like to call them, “stowaway sugar”) in particular, which they suggest that omega-3s can reduce by as much as 30 percent.

This benefit is incredibly important, because triglycerides—not total cholesterol or even LDL (“bad” cholesterol)—are the true heart health villains you should be looking to lower.

Elevated triglycerides (which are generally any level above 200 mg/dL) pave the way to hard, narrow arteries and increase your risk of heart attacks and stroke. But even levels at the high end of “normal” can cause serious trouble.

So the fact that a simple omega-3 supplement can offer protection is a pretty big deal. (At least as big of a deal as the AHA actually acknowledging the benefit!)

In fact, they state conclusively that daily treatment with four grams of “any of the available prescription choices” is effective against high triglycerides. And at this point, you can probably see where I’m going…

There are currently two prescription omega-3 “medications” available. One is a combo of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The other provides only EPA. And the AHA doesn’t recommend one choice over the other.

But they do push the prescriptions…and they do push a solution that’s been around for as long as fish have been swimming in the sea.

The only “prescription” you need

The AHA recommends eating fatty fish twice a week (which I can agree with). But in the same advisory, they also insist that people shouldn’t take non-prescription omega-3 fish oil supplements.

Why? Because the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn’t regulate them. And because, apparently, scientific research doesn’t support their use as a means of heart disease prevention… which may be the most absurd double-talk I’ve ever heard.

But are you the least bit surprised? Because I’m not. Triglycerides are the most important risk factor for heart disease and pancreatitis. And guess what? Statin drugs don’t lower them.

So naturally, Big Pharma found a way to slap their stamp on a nutritional medicine staple instead.

If you want my advice? Don’t buy into the hype. Because there’s nothing qualitatively different between this “prescription” fish oil and any other high-quality fish oil supplement you can find on the market today—just an FDA seal of approval.

And the only purpose that really serves is to funnel money right into drug companies’ pockets.

That said, this research does drive home the importance of reading labels and dosing high. And as usual, your typical throwaway fish oil for sale at the drug store isn’t going to cut it. I’ve always recommended 3,000 mg of EPA/DHA daily. (For my own personal recommendations, visit my website and browse the “Shop” tab.)

This study might have been designed to prop up Big Pharma. But if you ask me, it’s just more proof that people should have been following my “prescriptions” from the start.

P.S. For more ways to naturally protect your heart, I recommend my Ultimate Heart-Protection Protocol. This innovative online learning tool gives step-by-step advice on how to prevent and reverse America’s biggest killers—high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke. For more information, or to sign up today, click here now!


“Prescription omega-3 fatty acid medications effectively lower high triglycerides.” Science Daily. 08/19/2019. (